Dexco chooses SACMI robotized glazing

Dexco chooses SACMI robotized glazing

Ambitious investment plan for the Brazilian company’s Deca brand products. SACMI partner for innovation and automation, from sanitaryware to tiles. The project starts in Recife with the installation of the first SACMI RobotGlaze line.

A complete range of sanitaryware, tiles and design bathroom furniture: this is the core aim of Dexco’s plan to invest in SACMI technology to give added value to the Deca Brasile brand. The company has three production plants in Jundai, Paraiba and Recife and the latter was the site chosen for the first step of the investment with the start-up and commissioning of the first SACMI RobotGlaze line.
SACMI’s glazing and casting systems with a high level of automation are a fundamental part of Dexco’s project. In fact, this supply is the first of four automatic sanitaryware glazing lines being supplied. The solution chosen is a GA-OL EVO robot served by 4-position carousel. Two long conveyors – for a total of 7 + 7 positions – facilitate the loading and unloading from the cell.
To help train the operators to use SACMI-Gaiotto technology, Dexco chose this first solution to manage the glazing of simple, easy-to-handle pieces. There will be a further three glazing lines each having increasing levels of automation so that the entire project will be up and running by the end of 2023.
The robot chosen for this first supply is equipped with the most recently developed high performing electronics and software for offline programming. Although the configuration is simple and linear, the solution is nevertheless provided with state-of-the-art systems for optimization of glaze trajectories and consumption, such as dry filters for the complete recovery of overspray, and the two GDA80 spray-guns featuring a diaphragm spray system; the SACMI exclusive solution setting a benchmark on the market.
Significant results in terms of high production volumes, glazing quality and repeatability (thanks to control systems), have already been achieved during this first phase and this is coupled with the continuous and pro-active assistance services provided over time by SACMI. In fact, the robot which has been installed is connected by remote service so that SACMI’s technicians can intervene at any time, even from a distance. This is backed up by the on-site services provided from the local office, SACMI do Brasil, which now include a team of dedicated technicians specifically trained in Gaiotto.

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